Wednesday, October 3, 2012

PortaMx v1.51

PortaMx v1.51 with a full featured Category / Article management
and Search Engine Friendly url's (SEF) option for SMF 2

PortaMx have many features like a Category and Articles Management and a option for Search Engine Friendly url's. We use the SMF Integrations hooks extensive, so we need over 50% less changes on the SMF files. All basic files like the function for the Integration, caching and the SEF module (if enabled) are loaded automatically on SMF startup. All the additional Menus and functions also created with SMF hooks. 

Because we continue the PortaMx philosophy to make the portal better and faster, we use extensive caching for all the new features. So it's recommended, to enable the caching in SMF. Of course works all without caching, but not so fast.

The new Category / Article system is high configurable in all options like access inherit and visualization. Follow setup options we have:
  • The first Article is shown and all other Articles in the Category are linked in a sidebar.
  • All Articles shown in one page with paginating.
  • Inherit the access right from a Category to the Articles in it, so it's easy to handle the rights (simple give the articles no rights). This suppressed also, that the Article itself can be requested.
  • Categories and Articles can be used as static elements on the Front page (Category / Article blocks).
  • Both can requested  in the same way as a Single page request (cat=category-name, art=article-name).

We have expanded the overview screen (Blocks, Articles and Categories Manager) with new settings elements, they works in a Pop up window. With this it's easy and fast to change the most important settings, like title, position, access and more. You can update a single Block or all Blocks in the Panel.
Also we expand and redesign the dynamic visibility option, specially the customer actions. These have now logical AND and OR functionality, can handle any request type and also sub actions like action=pm;sa=send. For this we will create a separate documentation.

Many users asked us, to add Search Engine Friendly url's to the Portal and so we do that in this release. The SEF module that we created is based on SimpleSEF, but completely rewritten. We create easy and "speeking" url's (without comma) in the format, which is proposed by Google.
Of course we have implemented all the Url's they used for the Portal like Single pages, Categories and Articles. The SEF module have various settings, but normaly you can use the default settings without any change. Furthermore we also can convert url's, they created by SimpleSEF, like board_## and topic_##.

Finally we give the Portal his own Right Management.
With this you can give any SMF group the rights to create, edit and delete own Articles, a group to moderate Articles and a group to moderate the Blocks in enabled Panels. At least you can give a SMF group Portal Administrator rights. This group have full access to ALL Portal functions (except update), but NO access to any SMF Administrator functions. All these function are linked in the users Profile menu.

Support and updates can be found at

New release you can found and download on Github

Tiny Portal

Current Version: TinyPortal 1.0 released - April 1 2012
TinyPortal (TP)

Official TinyPortal Site

A little after the appearance of SMF, a talented SMF theme designer, Bloc had the idea to expand SMF with a custom built CMS system that would be based in SMF, using the same database as SMF, the same themes and native integration with SMF, not requiring bridges. This CMS would be easy to install as a mod, simple in database and appearance integration and Tiny in size, compared to standalone software like Mambo (later Joomla), Drupal, MK Portal etc., yet  powerful. TinyPortal was first released here in February 2005. For a long time TinyPortal was available as Beta only on Bloc's site. The TP Team and alpha-testers Team were created and TP matured and evolved in time as a pioneer in forum specific CMS. Thousands of SMF+TP sites justify Bloc's dream that came into life in his agile hands.
In November 2010 Bloc decided to retire from the project, seeking other horizons. He kindly left the TP project to IchBin™ with the support of TP Team.
What is TP?
TinyPortal is a mod for SMF that adds a powerful and mature CMS to your SMF Forum in minutes, with native integration, without having to worry about bridging, database, and appearance. Your SMF and TP will be a homogenous ensemble from installation. It's up to you and your creativity to use TP's features to customize your site and organize its content.

Features included in TinyPortal:
  • Article System: The article system gives you a CMS system tightly integrated with your forum.  No need for bridges, double registering or other kludgey interface schemes with complex CMS software.  Write articles in php, html or bbcode, and choose what member-groups can access them, who can contribute, and how they are approved. Choose the inbuilt menu options for these pages, or write your own, the flexibility to accommodate your choices is built in.
  • Blocks:Blocks is a term for the rectangles of information you can use throughout the portal. For the sake of simplicity the page has been divided into the "panels", which when combined can mimic many common page layouts. These blocks can contain regular html, php code or special written functions that collect specific types of information. You can show them according to which permissions the visitor has, and even show them just in certain sections. You will come to love playing with them.
    Some block types that are currently available:
    • ShoutBox - Its a box in which you can leave messages for others to see and thus maintain a simple "chat" on the site. Combined with permissions you will have much freedom in who can participate as well. And as your visitors will discover, its actually quite fun to leave a smiley or two in it.
    • Recent Posts - Showing the recent posts in a small sidebar, and letting members know what is new and unread, encourages participation and will boost member satisfaction.
    • Theme switcher - Let members and visitors choose their favorite theme.
    • Search - Allows members to search your site for content.
    • Other blocks include: Calendar, Poll, RSS feeds, Menu (Managed in the menu manager), User Profile block, and News. And since you can use php, html and BBC, the only limit is your imagination.
  • Menu Manager: A built in menu manager allows you to create multiple menu's. These menu's are displayed in a block. You get all the features of blocks to display these menu's in different places along with choosing who gets to see the blocks based on permissions. You can created different types of links: links to articles, categories, or even just a custom link. You can choose to have the link open in the current window or a new window.
  • Downloads Manager: A built-in module for TP that lets you offer files for your members to browse and download. Its works by having the downloadable files placed in categories. These categories have permissions on them, letting you restrict member groups access level per each category. Allow members to upload files, controlling which member groups are allowed.

SimplePortal 2.3.5

SimplePortal 2.3.5

The SimplePortal Team is happy to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.3.5, code-named "Railgun!" This release includes fixes for the bugs found in the 2.3.4 version, and features full SMF 2.0.2 and 1.1.16 compatibility.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.5 as soon as possible to take advantage of the bug fixes. A full list of changes for 2.3.5 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package, but the major fixes are:
  • Broken header bars in custom themes
  • Undefined indexes caused by feed parser
  • Custom permissions being reset on preview
  • Page blocks being reset in some cases
  • Shoutbox requests not updating user logs
  • Parsed content in tag parameters breaking BBC parsing
  • Several fixes to the layout and spacing

Unfortunately, there is no auto-upgrade option from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 due to the number of changes. So, if you are running 2.3.4 or an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum. 

Finally, please do not use this topic for any support requests. You will get a much more prompt response by posting in Install and Upgrade board.

Thanks for all your support, and keep those bug reports and feature requests coming!
-The SimplePortal Team

SimplePortal 2.3.4

The SimplePortal Team is happy to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.3.4, code-named "Cherry!" This release includes many minor feature additions, improvements and fixes for bugs found in the 2.3.3 version.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.4 as soon as possible to take advantage of the new features and bug fixes. A summary of the features and fixes is as follows:

  • Two new positions for blocks: header and footer.
  • Revamped permission system with the ability to deny permissions.
  • Complex display options using PHP expressions for block display.
  • Implemented basic flood protection for shoutbox.
  • Introduced group based shoutbox moderators.
  • Added ability to prune shoutboxes with various options.
  • Links posted to shoutbox are now shortened.
  • Added ability to whisper (post private shouts) in shoutbox.
  • Better handling of ignored users in shoutbox.
  • Brand new RSS Feed block with a better parser.
  • Allow selecting blocks (not) to show in pages on page add/edit.
  • Allow overriding block titles using language strings.

  • SMF 2.0.1 and 1.1.15 compatibility.
  • Improved compatibility with other mods.
  • Improved Right-To-Left languages support.
  • Several fixes to package database functions.
  • Custom theme friendly fix for broken headers.
  • Unescaped entities in shout dates could break shoutbox.
  • cutoff tag was displayed when it shouldn't be.
  • max-height failed on older browsers.
  • Copyright was misaligned due to recent changes in SMF.
  • Fixed MySQL 5.5+ compatibility.
  • Board news pagination link was sometimes broken.
  • Applied board permissions to the article management area.

A full list of changes for 2.3.4 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package.

Unfortunately, there is no auto-upgrade option from 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 due to the number of changes. So, if you are running 2.3.3 or an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum. 

Finally, please do not use this topic for any support requests. You will get a much more prompt response by posting in Install and Upgrade board.

Thanks for all your support, and keep those bug reports and feature requests coming!
-The SimplePortal Team

SimplePortal 2.3.3

Close on the heels of the latest SMF RC, the SimplePortal Team is delighted to bring you the release of SimplePortal 2.3.3. This release includes many fixes for bugs found in the 2.3.2 version and most importantly, full SMF 2.0 RC4 compatibility.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.3 as soon as possible to take advantage of the bug fixes. If you are currently running SMF 2.0 RC3 and SP 2.3.2, we strongly encourage you to upgrade both to the latest version to have the latest security features and bugfixes. A summary of the fixes and features is as follows:

Some of the more important fixes:

  • Admin permission boxes missing "Check all" checkbox. Reported by ~Alex~
  • BoardNews block constructPageIndex created invalid url. Reported by grafitus.
  • Fatal error editing blocks when portal is disabled. Reported by AngelinaBelle
  • Page permissions don't allow for admin only permissions. Reported by Garoun.
  • BoardNews block and Articles have an ellipsis even when their length is not limited. Reported by Garoun.
  • Login block doesn't hash password. Reported by ccbtimewiz.

A full list of bugfixes and changes for 2.3.3 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package.

For users that are currently running SimplePortal 2.3, 2.3.1 or 2.3.2; you can upgrade to 2.3.3 using the SimplePortal 2.3.3 installation package.

If you are running an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum.

  • Uninstall SimplePortal.
  • Download SimplePortal 2.3.3.
  • Install SimplePortal 2.3.3, and you are ready to go!

If you are running SMF 2 RC3 and want to upgrade to SMF 2 RC4, then you will need to reinstall SimplePortal after you perform the upgrade.

Thanks for all your support, and keep those bug reports and feature requests coming!
-The SimplePortal Team

SimplePortal 2.3.2

The SimplePortal Team is happy to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.3.2. This release includes many fixes for bugs found in the 2.3.1 version and some essential minor feature additions.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.2 as soon as possible to take advantage of the bug fixes. A summary of the fixes and features is as follows:

  • Custom content blocks didn't have their content properly escaped. - reported by grafitus
  • Some variables are assumed to be loaded by loadTheme. - reported by bperry921
  • Shoutbox smiley popup display no smileys. - reported by FrelonVert
  • BoardIndex was getting a no index meta tag when running under "forum" action. - reported by playah26
  • Removing enabled tags from bbc array caused infinite loops with auto-linking. - reported by bangis
  • Selecting a category in Jump To menu resulted in portal index. - reported by ataru
  • Portal context was overrided by admin block list functions. - reported by leftezi
  • Center blocks didn't span whole area on a side collapse. - reported by rbeuker
  • Forum menu block and block overflow didn't like each other. - reported by Yahmez
  • setupThemeContext() doubled stuff when called twice for SMF 1.1. - reported by gietl
  • Admins were unable to manage portal when portal mode is set as disabled.


  • "Search engine friendly URLs" support for pages. - suggested by MazdaClubTR
  • Updated all templates for Curve.
  • Added [cutoff] tag support for board news and articles. - suggested by ccbtimewiz
  • Aeva Media compatibility for Gallery block. - suggested by NIBOGO
  • Automatically fix the path to forum in PortalStandalone.php on install/upgrade.
  • Add SimplePortal sublink to main menu.

A full list of changes for 2.3.2 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package.

For users that are currently running SimplePortal 2.3 or 2.3.1; you can upgrade to 2.3.2 using the SimplePortal 2.3.2 installation package.

If you are running an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum. 

SimplePortal 2.3.1

The SimplePortal Team is happy to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.3.1. This release includes several fixes for bugs found in the 2.3 version and some essential minor features.

We are also pleased to announce that SimplePortal is now the first publicly released SMF portal to officially support SMF 2 RC2 and Curve! You can take advantage of running SimplePortal on RC2 now if you are a SMF Charter Member, or when it becomes available to the public. If you aren't a SMF Charter Member, then SimplePortal 2.3.1 supports SMF 2 RC1.2 as well.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.1 as soon as possible to take advantage of the bug fixes. A summary of the fixes and features is as follows:

  • Image resizing issues in SMF 1.1.
  • 'Can add article' permission was ignored.
  • Shoutbox allowed empty shouts.
  • Shoutbox didn't censor text.
  • Disabled the AEVA mod in the shoutbox.
  • Php validator required absolute file include paths.
  • Db errors with Postgresql and Sqlite for SMF 2.
  • Issues with the menu blocks display.
  • Restricting the number of smileys shown on the shoutbox.
  • Shoutbox refresh was record as a page view.

  • Compatibility with SMF 2 RC2 and Curve.
  • The SMF 2 installer can now seamlessly upgrade your SimplePortal data from SMF 1.1.

A full list of changes for 2.3.1 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package.

For users that are currently running SimplePortal 2.3; you can upgrade to 2.3.1 using the SimplePortal 2.3.1 installation package.

If you are running an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum.
  • Uninstall SimplePortal.
  • Download SimplePortal 2.3.1.
  • Install SimplePortal 2.3.1, and you are ready to go!

SimplePortal 2.3

The SimplePortal Team is now celebrating the long awaited release of SimplePortal 2.3! The build up to this release has been long and we would like to thank our many dedicated supporters for their patience and continued support during the development of this version. The SimplePortal Team is as excited as you are by this release. We hope that you enjoy using it!

What's new?

Custom Pages
Our new version of SimplePortal comes with the new custom pages feature. With this feature you can create custom BBC, HTML and PHP pages, building a website around your forum. These pages have an advanced permission system, as well as the ability to quickly swap between page types. You can also set a unique search engine friendly page id for each page, which can be used to access the page instead of numeric ids.

One of the most popular feature requests that we have received is the shoutbox block. The SimplePortal Development Team has recognized this by creating the shoutbox block and extending it beyond the original requests, as usual, including an advanced but easy to use shoutboxe feature. Now you will be able to create an unlimited number of full AJAX shoutboxes for your forum. You can limit the usuable BBC tags in each shoutbox, put a nice warning above it, set custom permissions, and make it automatically refresh based on a set interval.

And more...
Apart from the two main features, there have been great improvements to the architecture of SimplePortal which will allow us include modules more quickly, making it easier for you to customize your portal. In addition, a new block, Top Member Stats, was added and some blocks were improved. Of course, this version fixes all the bugs reported from the 2.2.2 version as well!

Upgrading from older versions
There has been a large development jump with many code and feature changes. Because of this, you will have to uninstall older versions of SimplePortal, if you have any installed. None of your SimplePortal data will be lost from SimplePortal 2.x versions, as the uninstall process will preserve your settings, blocks and articles.

Three easy steps to upgrade your portal!
    Uninstall your old version of SimplePortal.Download SimplePortal 2.3 from one of the download locations above.Install SimplePortal 2.3, and you are ready to go!
What's in store for the future?
In the next versions of SimplePortal, the main focus will be on creating a complete article system and improving our block system. Since this version turns SimplePortal into a more modular structure, you can expect more features in the near future.

Thanks for reading! We hope that you enjoy using SimplePortal as much as we continue to enjoy creating and supporting it!


The SimplePortal Team

SimplePortal 2.3.5

The SimplePortal Team is happy to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.3.5, code-named "Railgun!" This release includes fixes for the bugs found in the 2.3.4 version, and features full SMF 2.0.2 and 1.1.16 compatibility.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.5 as soon as possible to take advantage of the bug fixes. A full list of changes for 2.3.5 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package, but the major fixes are:
  • Broken header bars in custom themes
  • Undefined indexes caused by feed parser
  • Custom permissions being reset on preview
  • Page blocks being reset in some cases
  • Shoutbox requests not updating user logs
  • Parsed content in tag parameters breaking BBC parsing
  • Several fixes to the layout and spacing

Unfortunately, there is no auto-upgrade option from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 due to the number of changes. So, if you are running 2.3.4 or an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum. 

Finally, please do not use this topic for any support requests. You will get a much more prompt response by posting in Install and Upgrade board.

Thanks for all your support, and keep those bug reports and feature requests coming!
-The SimplePortal Team

SimplePortal 2.3.4

The SimplePortal Team is happy to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.3.4, code-named "Cherry!" This release includes many minor feature additions, improvements and fixes for bugs found in the 2.3.3 version.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.4 as soon as possible to take advantage of the new features and bug fixes. A summary of the features and fixes is as follows:

  • Two new positions for blocks: header and footer.
  • Revamped permission system with the ability to deny permissions.
  • Complex display options using PHP expressions for block display.
  • Implemented basic flood protection for shoutbox.
  • Introduced group based shoutbox moderators.
  • Added ability to prune shoutboxes with various options.
  • Links posted to shoutbox are now shortened.
  • Added ability to whisper (post private shouts) in shoutbox.
  • Better handling of ignored users in shoutbox.
  • Brand new RSS Feed block with a better parser.
  • Allow selecting blocks (not) to show in pages on page add/edit.
  • Allow overriding block titles using language strings.

  • SMF 2.0.1 and 1.1.15 compatibility.
  • Improved compatibility with other mods.
  • Improved Right-To-Left languages support.
  • Several fixes to package database functions.
  • Custom theme friendly fix for broken headers.
  • Unescaped entities in shout dates could break shoutbox.
  • cutoff tag was displayed when it shouldn't be.
  • max-height failed on older browsers.
  • Copyright was misaligned due to recent changes in SMF.
  • Fixed MySQL 5.5+ compatibility.
  • Board news pagination link was sometimes broken.
  • Applied board permissions to the article management area.

A full list of changes for 2.3.4 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package.

Unfortunately, there is no auto-upgrade option from 2.3.3 to 2.3.4 due to the number of changes. So, if you are running 2.3.3 or an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum. 

Finally, please do not use this topic for any support requests. You will get a much more prompt response by posting in Install and Upgrade board.

Thanks for all your support, and keep those bug reports and feature requests coming!
-The SimplePortal Team

SimplePortal 2.3.3

Close on the heels of the latest SMF RC, the SimplePortal Team is delighted to bring you the release of SimplePortal 2.3.3. This release includes many fixes for bugs found in the 2.3.2 version and most importantly, full SMF 2.0 RC4 compatibility.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.3 as soon as possible to take advantage of the bug fixes. If you are currently running SMF 2.0 RC3 and SP 2.3.2, we strongly encourage you to upgrade both to the latest version to have the latest security features and bugfixes. A summary of the fixes and features is as follows:

Some of the more important fixes:

  • Admin permission boxes missing "Check all" checkbox. Reported by ~Alex~
  • BoardNews block constructPageIndex created invalid url. Reported by grafitus.
  • Fatal error editing blocks when portal is disabled. Reported by AngelinaBelle
  • Page permissions don't allow for admin only permissions. Reported by Garoun.
  • BoardNews block and Articles have an ellipsis even when their length is not limited. Reported by Garoun.
  • Login block doesn't hash password. Reported by ccbtimewiz.

A full list of bugfixes and changes for 2.3.3 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package.

For users that are currently running SimplePortal 2.3, 2.3.1 or 2.3.2; you can upgrade to 2.3.3 using the SimplePortal 2.3.3 installation package.

If you are running an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum.

  • Uninstall SimplePortal.
  • Download SimplePortal 2.3.3.
  • Install SimplePortal 2.3.3, and you are ready to go!

If you are running SMF 2 RC3 and want to upgrade to SMF 2 RC4, then you will need to reinstall SimplePortal after you perform the upgrade.

Thanks for all your support, and keep those bug reports and feature requests coming!
-The SimplePortal Team

SimplePortal 2.3.2

The SimplePortal Team is happy to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.3.2. This release includes many fixes for bugs found in the 2.3.1 version and some essential minor feature additions.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.2 as soon as possible to take advantage of the bug fixes. A summary of the fixes and features is as follows:

  • Custom content blocks didn't have their content properly escaped. - reported by grafitus
  • Some variables are assumed to be loaded by loadTheme. - reported by bperry921
  • Shoutbox smiley popup display no smileys. - reported by FrelonVert
  • BoardIndex was getting a no index meta tag when running under "forum" action. - reported by playah26
  • Removing enabled tags from bbc array caused infinite loops with auto-linking. - reported by bangis
  • Selecting a category in Jump To menu resulted in portal index. - reported by ataru
  • Portal context was overrided by admin block list functions. - reported by leftezi
  • Center blocks didn't span whole area on a side collapse. - reported by rbeuker
  • Forum menu block and block overflow didn't like each other. - reported by Yahmez
  • setupThemeContext() doubled stuff when called twice for SMF 1.1. - reported by gietl
  • Admins were unable to manage portal when portal mode is set as disabled.


  • "Search engine friendly URLs" support for pages. - suggested by MazdaClubTR
  • Updated all templates for Curve.
  • Added [cutoff] tag support for board news and articles. - suggested by ccbtimewiz
  • Aeva Media compatibility for Gallery block. - suggested by NIBOGO
  • Automatically fix the path to forum in PortalStandalone.php on install/upgrade.
  • Add SimplePortal sublink to main menu.

A full list of changes for 2.3.2 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package.

For users that are currently running SimplePortal 2.3 or 2.3.1; you can upgrade to 2.3.2 using the SimplePortal 2.3.2 installation package.

If you are running an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum. 

SimplePortal 2.3.1

The SimplePortal Team is happy to announce the release of SimplePortal 2.3.1. This release includes several fixes for bugs found in the 2.3 version and some essential minor features.

We are also pleased to announce that SimplePortal is now the first publicly released SMF portal to officially support SMF 2 RC2 and Curve! You can take advantage of running SimplePortal on RC2 now if you are a SMF Charter Member, or when it becomes available to the public. If you aren't a SMF Charter Member, then SimplePortal 2.3.1 supports SMF 2 RC1.2 as well.

We urge all users to upgrade to SimplePortal 2.3.1 as soon as possible to take advantage of the bug fixes. A summary of the fixes and features is as follows:

  • Image resizing issues in SMF 1.1.
  • 'Can add article' permission was ignored.
  • Shoutbox allowed empty shouts.
  • Shoutbox didn't censor text.
  • Disabled the AEVA mod in the shoutbox.
  • Php validator required absolute file include paths.
  • Db errors with Postgresql and Sqlite for SMF 2.
  • Issues with the menu blocks display.
  • Restricting the number of smileys shown on the shoutbox.
  • Shoutbox refresh was record as a page view.

  • Compatibility with SMF 2 RC2 and Curve.
  • The SMF 2 installer can now seamlessly upgrade your SimplePortal data from SMF 1.1.

A full list of changes for 2.3.1 can be found in the changelog.txt file within the SimplePortal package.

For users that are currently running SimplePortal 2.3; you can upgrade to 2.3.1 using the SimplePortal 2.3.1 installation package.

If you are running an older version, you can upgrade by following these three steps. You shouldn't lose any data, but for safety, you should always back up before modifying your forum.
  • Uninstall SimplePortal.
  • Download SimplePortal 2.3.1.
  • Install SimplePortal 2.3.1, and you are ready to go!

SimplePortal 2.3

The SimplePortal Team is now celebrating the long awaited release of SimplePortal 2.3! The build up to this release has been long and we would like to thank our many dedicated supporters for their patience and continued support during the development of this version. The SimplePortal Team is as excited as you are by this release. We hope that you enjoy using it!

What's new?

Custom Pages
Our new version of SimplePortal comes with the new custom pages feature. With this feature you can create custom BBC, HTML and PHP pages, building a website around your forum. These pages have an advanced permission system, as well as the ability to quickly swap between page types. You can also set a unique search engine friendly page id for each page, which can be used to access the page instead of numeric ids.

One of the most popular feature requests that we have received is the shoutbox block. The SimplePortal Development Team has recognized this by creating the shoutbox block and extending it beyond the original requests, as usual, including an advanced but easy to use shoutboxe feature. Now you will be able to create an unlimited number of full AJAX shoutboxes for your forum. You can limit the usuable BBC tags in each shoutbox, put a nice warning above it, set custom permissions, and make it automatically refresh based on a set interval.

And more...
Apart from the two main features, there have been great improvements to the architecture of SimplePortal which will allow us include modules more quickly, making it easier for you to customize your portal. In addition, a new block, Top Member Stats, was added and some blocks were improved. Of course, this version fixes all the bugs reported from the 2.2.2 version as well!

Upgrading from older versions
There has been a large development jump with many code and feature changes. Because of this, you will have to uninstall older versions of SimplePortal, if you have any installed. None of your SimplePortal data will be lost from SimplePortal 2.x versions, as the uninstall process will preserve your settings, blocks and articles.

Three easy steps to upgrade your portal!
    Uninstall your old version of SimplePortal.Download SimplePortal 2.3 from one of the download locations above.Install SimplePortal 2.3, and you are ready to go!
What's in store for the future?
In the next versions of SimplePortal, the main focus will be on creating a complete article system and improving our block system. Since this version turns SimplePortal into a more modular structure, you can expect more features in the near future.

Thanks for reading! We hope that you enjoy using SimplePortal as much as we continue to enjoy creating and supporting it!


The SimplePortal Team