Wednesday, October 3, 2012

PortaMx v1.51

PortaMx v1.51 with a full featured Category / Article management
and Search Engine Friendly url's (SEF) option for SMF 2

PortaMx have many features like a Category and Articles Management and a option for Search Engine Friendly url's. We use the SMF Integrations hooks extensive, so we need over 50% less changes on the SMF files. All basic files like the function for the Integration, caching and the SEF module (if enabled) are loaded automatically on SMF startup. All the additional Menus and functions also created with SMF hooks. 

Because we continue the PortaMx philosophy to make the portal better and faster, we use extensive caching for all the new features. So it's recommended, to enable the caching in SMF. Of course works all without caching, but not so fast.

The new Category / Article system is high configurable in all options like access inherit and visualization. Follow setup options we have:
  • The first Article is shown and all other Articles in the Category are linked in a sidebar.
  • All Articles shown in one page with paginating.
  • Inherit the access right from a Category to the Articles in it, so it's easy to handle the rights (simple give the articles no rights). This suppressed also, that the Article itself can be requested.
  • Categories and Articles can be used as static elements on the Front page (Category / Article blocks).
  • Both can requested  in the same way as a Single page request (cat=category-name, art=article-name).

We have expanded the overview screen (Blocks, Articles and Categories Manager) with new settings elements, they works in a Pop up window. With this it's easy and fast to change the most important settings, like title, position, access and more. You can update a single Block or all Blocks in the Panel.
Also we expand and redesign the dynamic visibility option, specially the customer actions. These have now logical AND and OR functionality, can handle any request type and also sub actions like action=pm;sa=send. For this we will create a separate documentation.

Many users asked us, to add Search Engine Friendly url's to the Portal and so we do that in this release. The SEF module that we created is based on SimpleSEF, but completely rewritten. We create easy and "speeking" url's (without comma) in the format, which is proposed by Google.
Of course we have implemented all the Url's they used for the Portal like Single pages, Categories and Articles. The SEF module have various settings, but normaly you can use the default settings without any change. Furthermore we also can convert url's, they created by SimpleSEF, like board_## and topic_##.

Finally we give the Portal his own Right Management.
With this you can give any SMF group the rights to create, edit and delete own Articles, a group to moderate Articles and a group to moderate the Blocks in enabled Panels. At least you can give a SMF group Portal Administrator rights. This group have full access to ALL Portal functions (except update), but NO access to any SMF Administrator functions. All these function are linked in the users Profile menu.

Support and updates can be found at

New release you can found and download on Github


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